We all want to save money! However, it can be hard to recognise where the best deals are to be had. It is easy to be drawn into companies emailing money off vouchers but did I really need that cute candle, new earrings, or that desk organiser because it was only £5 in the sale?!
In this post I have listed the ways in which I try to save money, I hope this can also help you!
1. Quidco
Quidco is an online cashback website. It is similar to shopping through airline companies to build up air miles. However Quidco gives you cash (or vouchers if preferred), by telling you the percentage of cashback they will give you on any purchase, so bigger purchases made through Quidco are more rewarding. I have used the website for years and saved over £1000 with them.
All you have to do is sign up with them, search for the company you want to shop with, click 'shop now' and it will take you directly to the website. Once you are on the website you just need to complete your purchase through that link and you will receive cashback within the next few days.
Because companies have returns policies it means it can take over 30 days (sometimes longer) for cashback to clear in your account but it will still be marked as tracked so you know it is on it's way.
It is so easy to build up cashback through Quidco because so many retailers use it. From car insurance, TV package deals and phone contracts, high street stores, even takeaways and travel companies!
Another thing I love about Quidco is that the site is so easy to use and there is no sign up fee or hidden costs.
2. Supermarket Cashback Apps
Similar to Quidco there are a variety of supermarket apps that give you money off certain items in store. Apps like GreenJinn, Shopmium or Clicksnap (by Quidco) have offers for money off your weekly supermarket shop. They have a range of different items, not just food, including alcohol, pet products, household items etc, so if there are a few things you need that the apps have on offer the savings soon start adding up.
They may not save a lot of money in one go, but if they have items you may have been looking to buy already it is worth getting in the habit of checking them before you shop.
3. Sign up to loyalty cards
If you regularly shop in one supermarket make sure you sign up to their loyalty card. You build up points to then spend in store as well as vouchers for money off when you shop with them.
You can also build up your points and exchange your points into air miles, days out or restaurant vouchers.
4. Subscribe to ONLY your favourite brands
Sign up to get notifications when your favourite brands have sales on or deals. This means you can save money on items you would have normally bought.
However, I would only subscribe to your absolute favourite brands that you use regularly to stop the temptation. Otherwise you may end up spending money you didn’t need to!
For example I recently signed up to the Krispy Kreme app who started sending my vouchers for 'buy one dozen donuts, get the second dozen for £1' - which cannot be good for my purse strings or waist line so I quickly unsubscribed!
5. Be Organised with food shopping/ Food prep
Sometimes it is hard to organise a whole weeks worth of food. However if you can spend one evening prepping your food for the next few days it can save you a lot of money. This will stop the temptation of getting a takeaway as you know the food is already in the house rather than it going to waste. This might also help your waistline!
6. Change your bank account
Find a bank that has a good sign up deal going. Some banks offer up to or over £100 for switching to them and it isn’t hard to do - most banks will do all the legwork in the changeover for you, including setting up all your direct debits and standing orders so you don't miss any payments. You can then refer other family members and get even more money.
Also, check to see if your saving accounts have a good interest rate, if not you can probably open a new savings account with the same bank and transfer over the money. Interest rates usually change after the first year so keep on top of it and always move money to new accounts when you are no longer getting a good interest rate!
7. Save, little and often
If you are able to, set up a standing order or put away a small amount every week. It could be as little as £10, which would add up to £520 at the end of the year... Do I hear weekend getaway??
8. Sell
Sell unwanted items rather before taking them to the charity shop or binning them!
This could be online on eBay or Gumtree or at a Boot sale/ yard sale.
You would be surprised at what people want to buy and it is all money in your pocket!
9. Invest in Premium Bonds
Premium bonds are worth looking into if you have a lot of money saved away and can't find a good interest rate. You cannot lose your money but you can win every month. The limit is 50K and the more money you have in your account the better chance of winning. Read more about them on the NSI website!
I hope some of these tips and tricks come in handy and thank you for reading! - Jen