Make your garden greener by growing vegetables, herbs and flowers. If you don't have a garden you could have a window box for herbs!
Recycle everything you can and fix items that may be broken rather then rebuying items new.
Make ecobricks.
Start composting.
Plant a tree.
Use Ecosia as your search engine. They plant trees from their profits!
Have a reusable coffee cup for when you buy coffee out. This can save you money as well.
Walk instead of drive when possible or take public transport instead of driving.
Have a milkman (they use glass bottles).
Make your own cleaning products to stop the use of harmful chemicals.
Use cloths and reusable cotton pads instead of wipes and single use cotton wool.
Switch to energy saving lightbulbs.
Change to a greener energy provider.
Look into getting solar panels.
Research Terracycle schemes in your area
Only turn your heating on when you are indoors rather than having it on a timer.
Turn off radiators in rooms you rarely go into.
Swap or borrow clothes from friends or family rather than buying new.
Use beeswax wraps instead of clingfilm
Shop in charity shops.
Take a reusable water bottle everywhere you go.
Take a tote bag with you/ keep it in your handbag.
Sell unwanted items or take to the charity shop.
Use brown wrapping paper or material to wrap presents instead of plastic filled wrapping paper. also, use ribbon instead of celotape.
Use a clothes horse instead of a tumble dryer.
Wash your clothes on the eco setting of the washing machine or lower temperature.
Use soap nuts instead of washing detergent.
Eat less meat.
Eat seasonally from farmers markets or greengrocers.
Use tea leaves instead of teabags.
Freeze food that is about to go off rather than throw it away.
Turn off and unplug electrical's when not using them.
Carpool when possible to reduce your carbon footprint.
If you have a garden use a water butt to collect rain water which can then be used to water your garden.
Fix item's that are broken rather than buying new.
Cook meals from scratch rather than buying pre-made, this can reduce your plastic waste and is also healthier.
Use less water. Wash your dishes rather than use the dishwasher from time to time, turn the tap off when you are cleaning your teeth, don't use too much hot water when it is not needed.
Buy a set of reusable cutlery to keep at work or in your bag to stop you using single use cutlery.
Find sustainable fashion brands and only buy items you really love or need.
Go paperless - Switch to paperless copies for bills and bank statements.
Improve air quality in your home by having more indoor plants.
Unsubscribe emails from brands, this will stop you buying items that you don't need.
Look into buying a hybrid or electric car.
Buy a bamboo toothbrush, sustainable floss and make your own mouthwash.
Keep old toothbrushes as a scrubber. They can be a handy tool to clean around taps/ your cooker.
Buy glass Tupperware containers.
Make your own bread. It is better for you and will save plastic waste.
Reuse jam jars. Make your own chutneys or jams at home.
Make your own beauty products. Items like coconut oil, eggs, honey and lemon can be used for a variety of face masks/ hair masks.
Choose package free products/ wonky fruit and veg in the supermarket. Loose bananas are much more likely to not be bought and thrown away. This is the same for broken carrots or wonky cucumbers!
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